Sunday, June 7, 2009


  1. 老师:为何考这么烂?
  2. 小丸:眼镜度数不够……
  3. 小叶:我脖子扭伤。
  4. 小芳:前面同学个子太高.
  5. 小蓝:隔壁同学用铅笔,我看不清楚……
  6. 老师: “那小新你呢?”
  7. 小新:因为我坐他们四个中间……
  1. Teacher: Why get so bad on the test?
  2. Little Wan: The degree of eyeglass was not power enough.
  3. Little Ye: My neck was sprained.
  4. Iittle Fang: The classmate in front of me was too tall.
  5. Little Lan: The classmate next to me was use a pencil, I can not see very well......
  6. Teacher: "Then, how about you, little Xin?"
  7. Little Xin: Beaucace I sitting in the middle of them four......

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